Regain Control of Your Hacked Instagram Account: Our Expert Guide

Nick Guy

October 16, 2023

HAS YOUR social media account been hacked?

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Nick Guy

Recovery Specialist
Brisbane, QLD


Regain Control of Your Hacked Instagram Account: Our Expert Guide

Has your Instagram been compromised? We're here to help – swiftly and securely.

In 2022, the Australian Cyber Security Centre reported an average of 164 cybercrime incidents daily.

Source: Australian Cyber Security Centre Cyber Threat Report

Don’t Panic, Act Now!

Losing access to your social media account is distressing, but it might indicate a deeper security breach. In today's digital age, guarding your online presence is essential, and Instagram, like Facebook, isn't immune. Reports highlight that platforms like Instagram are frequent targets, putting users at risk of identity theft and financial losses.

Follow the Instagram Recovery Process to Secure Your Account.
Immediate Action Steps

If your Instagram account seems compromised, act without delay.

  • Check All Devices: Hackers might miss some logged-in devices, giving you a chance to regain control.
  • Initiate Instagram Recovery: Start the recovery process if no devices are logged in.
  • Email Safety Check: Hackers often control your email. Check 'Blocked Senders & Domains' for any Instagram-related blocks.
Recognizing a Breach

Quick detection is key. Look out for unsolicited profile changes, unexpected messages, strange posts, or login alerts from unknown locations. Notify your followers if anything seems amiss to prevent phishing spread.

The infamous Instagram 'Selfie Video Upload Error' - Very common, but avoidable.
Step-By-Step Recovery Guide
  1. Identify Your Account: Use your email or phone number on Instagram's login screen. If details are changed, ask a follower to check your profile.
  2. Password Reset: Choose "Can't reset your password" and follow the prompts, including a new username if necessary.
  3. Security Questions: Be persistent with Instagram’s multi-layered security questions.
  4. Selfie Video Verification: Follow Instagram’s guide for video submission. Ensure good internet connection and the latest app version to avoid upload errors (pictured below).
  5. Await Instagram's Response: Wait for their manual review post video submission.
  6. Post-Approval: Immediately secure your account with a new password, updated contact details, and check recent account activity.

Securing Your Account Post-Recovery

After regaining access, enhance your security. Update passwords and enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) across all platforms. Use a password manager for strong, unique passwords. Set up credit file activity alerts and report any hacking incidents to your bank and cybersecurity agency.

Preventive Measures & Support

Hackers evolve, but timely action can minimize their impact.

At SafetyNet Cyber Security, we not only help you regain control but also advise on future security measures.

Contact SafetyNet Cyber Security

Remember, quick action and expert help are crucial when your Instagram is at risk.

Get in touch today :

Simply fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Don't like filling out forms? We've got you, simply click on the below number to give us a call:
0432 757 591 (Nick)

Or, e-mail us at and tell us a little about your situation.

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